
Obituaries for the in Fresno, Tulare & Dinuba, CA Area

Ysabel Cruz Aguilar

Ysabel Cruz Aguilar

Jun 24, 2019

Prayer for my Father Dear loving Father, Hear this prayer, I pray now for my dad. Thank you for his life, For without him, I would not exist. Thank you for the times, When he cared for me, And held me. Thank you for the lessons, Learned by his examples, And mistakes. Oh loving Father, Bless my dad, Bless his...

Briseida Gardenia Herrera Mendez

Briseida Gardenia Herrera Mendez

May 13, 2019

Cuando me vaya, dejenme ir. No se aten a mi con lagrimas. Por los hermosos aos que vivimos juntos demos gracias a Dios. Si tienen que llorar, dejen que la fe en Dios conforte su pena. La vida sigue adelante. Pero yo estare cerca y sentiran el calor de mi amor en sus corazones. Cuando ustedes tengan que viajar por...

Nicholas Herrera

Nicholas Herrera

May 13, 2019

Ángel de Dios, mi querido Guardin, fuiste enviado para protegernos. En este día permanece junto a mí, para alumbrarme y guiarme, guardarme y dirigirme. Ensame, mi querido Ángel De La Guarda a conocer a Dios, para amarlo y servirlo por siempre. Aljame de todo peligro y ensame el camino al cielo. Amen

Refugio Meras Calvillo

Refugio Meras Calvillo

Apr 2, 2019

Salmo 23 El Seor es mi pastor, nada me falta; en verdes pastos me hace descansar, junto a tranquilas aguas me conduce; me infunde nuevas fuerzas. Me guia por sendas de justicia por amor a su nombre. Aun si voy por valles tenebrosos, no temo peligro alguno porque tu estas a mi lado; tu vara de pastor me reconforta. Dispones...

Enrique Zuniga Ramirez

Enrique Zuniga Ramirez

Mar 25, 2019

Ahora que ya partí djenme ir, no se aferren a mí con sus llantos, den gracias por nuestros momentos maravillosos. A ti te di mi amor tu sabes cunto me diste en felicidad. Les agradezco por el amor que cada uno me dio, pero ahora es tiempo que viaje sola (o). Lloren por mí un rato y entonces dejen su...

Gregorio Quintanilla

Gregorio Quintanilla

Mar 13, 2019

He peleado la buena batalla, he acabado la carrera, he guardado la fe. Por lo demas, me esta guardada la corona de justicia, la cual me dara el Senor, juez justo, en aquel dia; Y no solo a mi, sino tambien a todos los que aman su venida.

Juan Ramirez

Juan Ramirez

Feb 15, 2019

A limb has fallen from the family tree that says grive not for me, Remember the best times, the laughter, the song , the good life I will live while I was strong

Robert Rodriguez

Robert Rodriguez

Feb 2, 2019

We'll meet again when this world ends, but until then, I'll remember all your good years, your bad and your lean years, your laughter and your tears. I'll remember how you came through it all, standing so tall, never complaining, because you were too tough to fall. I'll remember how you always had time for a friend, a smile and...

Daniel P Villarreal

Daniel P Villarreal

Jan 25, 2019

Gone is a father loved by all, His soul is now at rest. He'll sleep in peace, his work is done. A father's work the best. He'll know the joy of perfect rest In heaven up above, Where he may dwell contentedly Protected by God's love. Our hearts may grieve that he must lie beneath the sacred sod, And yet...

Sergio Sanchez

Sergio Sanchez

Jan 8, 2019

I'm Free Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free. I'm following the path God laid for me. I took His hand when I heard him call; I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day, to laugh, to love, to work or play. Tasks left undone must stay that way; I found that place...

Misty Blue Gonzales Ortiz

Misty Blue Gonzales Ortiz

Jan 1, 2019

We'll meet again when this world ends, but until then, I'll remember all your good years, your bad and your lean years, your laughter and your tears. I'll remember how you came through it all, standing so tall, never complaining, because you were too tough to fall. I'll remember how you always had time for a friend, a smile and...

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