Bernadette Yorba Garcia passed on May 4th 2024. Born in Norwalk Caifornia on May 9th 1970 to Harold and Concha Saverdra. She is survived by her children Serenity, Precious, Felicity & Nicolas, her 10 grandbabies, 5 older sisters and 2 younger brothers. She lived a life full of love, laughter as well as some bitter moments. Many people had the best memories with her as she always welcomed anyone who needed help with open arms. She had so much love for her children’s significant others also, as she always referred to them as her children and not in laws. She was always taking care of any child as if they were her own. Many of her children’s childhood friends would refer to her as Mama Berna or just Mama. She would take care of her nieces and nephews so much that they would call her Tia-Mom because she was always around. She was definitely a rocker at heart though. She was always playing her favorite bands such as Gun-N-Roses, Green Day, No Doubt, etc. There were always great memories of her and all the kids just rocking out in the front yard. She was someone who didn’t care what people had to say about her because she would tell it like it is. Her style was another thing that truly stuck out, there was never a time where she wasn’t rocking a crazy color in her hair or getting a tattoo or piercing. She will truly be missed by so many people but mostly her children, grandchildren and siblings.